Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
"Every time you repeat that, You are repeating something that isn't true"

Fuck outta here with that shit. No one was jealous of that sociopathic clown, and no one disagreed with him.

I just can't stand a liar/fraud. That kid's the definition. The way he had You people reeling was priceless.

Really though, Someone should have pulled up the kid's skirt a lot sooner.

I honestly didn't care if he was Chuckie English's kid. That had absolutely no bearing on what I thought of his postings.

For what it's worth, since apparently he is the Don, I always thought the Don was in fact one of the most informed people on ANP.

However, obviously, if someone is, as you say, a sociopathic liar, the better they are at it the more believable they sound, so I suppose it's possible The Don's posts are also strewn with outright falseheads.

All that stuff over there about who was in what crew in what month of whichever year never interested me at all.

I did not think anything of Chicago on a personal level; this is an Internet message board. I have a very full life and career outside of it.

I did like and agree with many of his postings.

Anyway, again, my apologies as I was apparently very wrong.

If I told you guys what he told me his excuse was for the ISP thing, you would be rolling over in stitches.

Last edited by jonnynonos; 08/28/13 06:39 PM.