Mig, I don't. I think there are people who simply disagree with his policies, and they would disagree with him no matter what his color.
Unfortunately, though, there are haters out there, and their hatred is based on his color. These are the same people who refer to him as a Kenyan and a Muslim. They resort to lies, and it's sad. They lack logic and knowledge and run on blind ignorance.
I didn't vote for him due to I don't agree with his policies/agenda. Same reason I didn't vote for Clinton. Race has nothing to do with it.
Same with me. I don't care if he was black, green, purple, or orange! (Can't stand when people call Obama haters racists!
He's been a total disgrace, liar, and insult to our highest position in the U.S. Not only that, he's a multiple-impeachable (almost, any-day-now; like Bush!) warmonger who feels he's way above the Constitution of the United States of America. Over and over and over again. He makes Bush look like a Saint!
But besides all that, he's terrific.
