"A problem with this web page caused the internet explorer to close & reopen."
^^that's usually the problem.
Why people are still using IE, after all these years of me saying it's evil, I have no idea...!

First Choice:
ChromeSecond Choice:
FirefoxThird Choice:
Safari999th Choice: What you have now: IE. Bugged, never works right, full of problems; yet, people keep using it for some reason.
Hey Geoff!!!
Actually I have both IE and Firefox. I WASusing Firefox more regularly BUT for whatever reason, I kept losing connection. I always get it back but it got to be a pain, so I'm leaning more toward IE, tho still have FF.
That being said, I notice I CAN print if I print thru FF.

Thing is, I WAS printing fine (tho not often)maybe a week ago with IE.
Also, FYI, and I don't know IF this is related. I THOUGHT I had IE 8 but while checking out things yesterday, I notice I automatically get updated and now have IE10 which I never knew I had. I use to get "asked" if I wanted to upgrade

Could that have changed things as far as my printer goes?
Thanks everyone!!