Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: bigboy
Babe hit his first home run here in Fayetteville NC.

What's the story behind that? (I never heard it). It's obviously not a major league town.

"Quick Description: Babe Ruth's first four-bagger as a pro was hit in Fayetteville, North Carolina in an inter-squad exhibition game during spring training in 1914."



And about 2 miles from the Babe Ruth HR site is a drug store which still has a lunch counter and their claim to fame is that Elvis ate there when he performed in Fayetteville.


His first official MLB HR was on "May 6, 1915 -- In the third inning at the Polo Grounds, 20-year-old pitcher Babe Ruth slammed the first pitch off Yankee right-hander Jack Warhop into the second tier of the right field grandstand for a home run. It was the first home run for the youngster in his 18th time at bat in the major leagues."