Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: ChiTown
lol Jared you are such a little pencil-pusher!

Ah yes, and you're an in-the-know, tough guy from Chicago who knows the streets.

(Then you woke up) whistle

You raise an interesting point.

While I think it's possible that people know stuff because their long-dead uncles, etc., were affiliated, I find the likelihood of people, particualrly on this board, being in the know about current operations via word of mouth from any kind of reliable source in most cases absurd.

The idea that anyone who has any real clue of what illegal activity is going on sitting there at the bar talking about it to someone who would then go post it on the Internet is inhrenelty proposterous.

I remember reading a wire on Mike Sarno where when the caller even brought up another connected guy's name, he immediately hung up the f**king phone.

Anyone whose really cued in is going to be paranoid beyond belief and I would imagine these guys talk even to each other about things as little as possible, let alone their barbers, car mechanics etc.