Dellacroce, do you know anything about him or Campisi? the supposed guy that Manzo was caught skimming with?
It´s almost like blasphemy being interested in organized crime and not know anything about the infamous Campisi clan. Especially if you´re New Jersey residents.
Although a few of them were made, the clan raised hell in the 1960s when they became renegades, branched out and did stuff on their own. They killed a lot and one of their victims was Lolly Luciano (I think his name was), a made guy with the Philly Mafia. They were extremely violent and killed people during robberies. They also killed a potential witness against them when LE was closing in. The clan, I think nine of them, were arrested in 1973 and indicted in 1974 on charges of murder, gambling, heroin and cocain dealing and 100 counts of robberies. In 1975, they were all convicted and sentenced to prison. Peter Anthony Campisi, nicknamed "PiPi" (Manzo´s partner) was sentenced to 15 years after pleading out but released already in 1979. He was made by the Gambinos two years later and put with Frank Perrone. Interestingly, some FBI documents say he rose to the rank of a captain, although only been made for a short time when killed. He was found dead from two shots in the head in the trunk of his wife´s car, in July of 1983. The murder was never solved.
Here´s pictures on some of the clan members who were indicted in 1974. (Bad quality though)