Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
That is true....you never know with these writers. I could be completely wrong on all of it. It wouldn't be the first time. lol

Ivy was right about when Jesse said he wanted to hurt Walt where he would hurt the most. It was his cash, but i never thought Walter would lead half the town to his multi million dollar stash in the desert. That did surprise me, but the thought of Jesse burning up his cash really shook him up bad.

I wonder if Lydia will somehow fit into the final equation. Not really sure why, but for some reason i like her.

Walt not thinking, but reacting on pure emotion, is understandable. That money is all he has to show for selling his soul and, with it gone, it would have all been for nothing.

I think we should wait until the opening of the next episode to make judgments about how realistic it is. My guess is, like this one, it will start immediately where the prior one left off. Hank and Gomez making it to the car for cover is conceivable, I suppose, but neither of them living. I agree with Lilo that the most realistic case is for them both to end up dead, which is what I think will happen. As for Jesse, I think Walt will convince Todd's uncle not to kill him.

Where it goes from there, I have no idea. RJ Mitte (Walt Jr.) says the next episode will be even crazier than this one was.

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