Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Pretty crazy Skylar seemed to be telling Walt to kill Jesse. She had maybe the best line in last nights episode.

“We’re in this far. What’s one more?”

Sounded like Walt is bringing in Todd's uncle to deal with Jesse. But if he's still living with Hank maybe they'll try to take out both of them. Just guessing on that though. Next weeks show should be pretty decent.

4 episodes down and just 4 more to go.

Todd's uncle and his men were burglers when they were introduced to show. Then Todd kills that boy, and the uncle and his men take out all those members of drug gang in desert. Now they will help run drug ring. It's a big leap. When we were intorduced to them they had that cover of exterminating company workers, maybe that was a joke ? Exterminators=killers.