Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Lilo
The rebels are not, from what I can see, reluctant warriors who yearn to put down their guns and return to moisture farms on Tattooine.

lol lol

By the way, Lilo. You're spot-on about how people quickly change their postitions about war depending on who's sitting in the Oval Office. If this was Bush the liberals would be comparing him to Hitler, and the conservatives would be all for it. Flip-flop, anyone?

But it's no surprising. Unfortunately some people (maybe most people) need to identify with one side or the other. The lines have to be drawn for them because they're either too weak or too stupid to draw them for themselves. They're sheep who will tow the party line every single time. It's really kinda sad.

BINGO!! Bottom line is the U.S. has handled 9/11 very poorly. Bush screwed up at Tora Bora, and then he misled us into the disaster that was and is Iraq.
Bush and Obama have trampled on our civil liberties, and Obama was wrong to want to go into Syria, and completely off the tracks when he sent the issue to Congress. And now we are going to trust Putin? Please! If we were to have taken military action it should have been a few tomahawks and drones to take out Syria's airfields within a weeek of the gas attacks, and nothing more. No way do we need to get into another conflict over there.

I am sick of this thousand year war over which side really is the "true" faith if Islam. Fuck 'em all. Let them kill each other another thousand years. Maybe sooner or later they wll come to their senses, maybe not. If they mess with sreal, Isreal should get the green light. If they mess with us lob some bombs, but NO MORE WARS. BTW In hindsight we now see what a great Secretary of State Hilary was. Kerry is a bufoon. He would have been a terrible president.

Last edited by dontomasso; 09/11/13 11:18 AM.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."