Follow up to my pictures. I had only been working downtown for 3 weeks. My commute took me into the WTC Path Station. I exited the WTC Station through WTC 2 at 7am that morning. There were fruit and vegetable vendors on the sidewalk at WTC 2. I was going to stop on the way home that day and buy some tomatoes. I often wonder what happened to those vendors.
The aftermath of the tragedy left lasting memories too. If you passed a fire house they had pictures of their fallen brothers on display. Bus stops had pictures of missing people with notes, "have you seen....". As DT recalled about the smoke and smell. Being down wind of the WTC, I smelled it everyday for about 6 weeks. Many people walking the streets in downtown wore dust masks covering their nose and mouth. I did. It was a different downtown Manhattan after 9/11.
9 days after: Smoke rising from the WTC site. Photos taken from the NY Waterway Ferry, which replaced my commute through the Path Tubes.
Smoke blowing across East River, Brooklyn Bridge in the background.

Smoke rising from the WTC site.