The truth of the matter is that the only information I get regarding Detroit is from MCScott on real deal. I purchased his Detroit Mob Confidential documentary and read Motor City Mafia. I was actually "shocked" when I read most of his posts on real deal as I never would have came close to guessing that Detroit has around 60 made guys. Personally, I don't believe that number is accurate, but who am I to disagree with Scott and his investigative journalism? New England is in the worst shape its ever been in with all the busts and prison sentences handed down over the last 3-5 years. Providence is wiped out and Boston is aging and starving for leadership. As for Philly, I give Uncle Joe a lot of credit for rebuilding the crime family and operating for over a decade without any serious charges. Not many mob bosses have rebuilt and replenished the ranks as good as Uncle Joe. I think if he goes to prison, we are going to see a power struggle and a lot more indictments handed down. How many made guys does NJ have left?

Last edited by JCB1977; 09/12/13 10:38 AM.