Besides doing his time like a stand up guy after being wrongly convicted, what managerial skills does Limone offer. Prior to going away on that murder rap, he was a card/dice operator. Sure, he was an up and comer, but his days on the street ended quick and when he went away, he wasn't a high ranking member. The world changed while he was in prison. I mean, this guy deposits over $100k in his checking/savings account from illegal gambling could anybody think that was a smart move? He's too old and now too rich to want anything to do with a declining organization/occupation. Personally, I don't believe he would want to take over the top job with the current state that the family is in. I mean, Limone had "no experience" even running or managing his own crew because he was locked up for over 33 years. While he may have been a driver for Angiulo, he still had no street experience overseeing a group of made guys and associates. He got pinched very young...I admire his tenacity for doing all that time, but the truth is he didn't have the opportunity to be in charge of the streets. And his deposits in the bank confirmed his inexperience at hiding/washing money. It was a flat out a stupid mistake, the kind of mistake that gets you right back in the can.

I'm sure somebody is going to chime in to ridicule my opinion...and that's fine. Truth is, he didn't do too good of a job while at the helm for a short period of time.

Last edited by JCB1977; 09/14/13 03:21 PM.