Originally Posted By: dontomasso
There have been fierce debates about gun control and other matters on these boards, and I do not wish to add to it, but I would like to provoke some other posts with a simple question:

What has gone wrong with us?

We used to live with relatively little seurity. People would self-police their own neighborhoods. People were republicans or democrats, liberal or conservative and they did not demonize one another. They debated, sure, but there was not this air of hatred.

People were religious or not, and there was not the self-righteous hatred that we see now.

We have become less civil in every aspect.

I recall learning about people like the president principles like you don't have to like who it is, but you have to respect the office. That is gone, not ony for Obama, but for the congress, the courts, the police... you name it.

People have no manners. No one stops to let the other guy into a lane on the road, and you are more likely to see someone filipping you off as much as anything.

Is this the beginning or even the middle of the decline of America?

Agree 100%- something is wrong. As an older man, I recall when we could leave our doors unlocked and not worry. Posters have mentioned the internet, cell phones, instant gratification Etc, but a big contributor in my opinion is drugs. They weren't very popular "Back in the day". We are too permissive. In high school in the 50's and 60's if you shot off your mouth, you might get slammed into the wall, and your parents would punish you too, not file a lawsuit. Many, but certainly not all Young kids today are used to getting what they want. My grandson- in HS walked me through the student parking lot- WOW- cars nicer than I had. Parents too wrapped up in Dancing with the stars or American Idol and too lazy to discipline their kids and too cowardly to tell the kids "No". I remember being a young Republican and hanging out with Democrats, and no real arguments, there was a mutual respect. Just my opinion