Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Consider the GOP because they are more fiscally responsible than Obama who spends and spends and fucking spends. Now don't reference Bush, but many Republicans have good ideas regarding pension plans and benefits that many states CANNOT PAY FOR. So in this situation, I'm inclined to go with an able minded, fiscal Republican NOT someone who's racking up the debt and deficit and this goddamn health care bill will not work. We will see more problems than ever before. I like it's concept but the end result was not the solution to our problems.

Putin cannot be called elected. He fucking rigged them. The Russian people don't want him, but what can they do in the face of a tyrant who rules with an iron fist? As for the other middle eastern countries, well they have to figure it out. The middle east is in the dark ages, they need democracy, but they won't get it the first try. They also have to get rid of extreme Islam which plagues the region and makes Westerners flip the fuck out every time they see a guy in a turban.

I disagree with Ivy on more than a few things, but he's right in the sense that you're so blindingly left, you won't listen to another argument. Who the fuck are you kidding? You'd follow a Democrat off a cliff if he/she told you too. It's ridiculous. I'm just glad you're stuck in that piece of shit country Iran and not here.

With guys like McCain who want to start another war? The guy cares so much, (yeah, right) he plays poker on his phone while campaigning for another war in the middle east. lol Your other boy Christie, if surviving primaries is a tough decision away from heart attack. And why should I not reference Bush? It's not just Bush, it's their pledge to Norquist not to increase taxes. While there has to be cuts, you have to increase taxes to pay for things you already took without paying for, such as "war on terror." wink So anyone from GOP would further sink the US in debt.

I've a Russian friend. She used to be here. I asked her about Putin. She said that she couldn't say if he really cheated, but he does have a massive support there and that "plight of Russian people" is such a strong word. I think if you are looking for an excuse to start another war, that's another story.

No wonder Putin would have a massive support there, it's the kind of patronizing way you talk about other countries (plight? really?) that make people go after the first guy with anti-american rhetoric. If you want to know why GOP sucks, you don't have to look further than a mirror. A person who "would love to see Iran get wiped off the map" exactly belongs to the kind of war mongering party that doesn't mind setting fire to the world and watch it burn. It's the kind of person in a party that say they like freedom of speech, but when hearing the opposition, thank their lucky stars she cannot vote and would call her country shithole. That's why you and your party suck.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones