Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
I didn't say he was crazy. I say he's evil. Big difference. The morally unjustifiably taking of all innocent human life is evil. Just because one is in a certain location or below a certain age doesn't make it alright to be murdered.

As for McCain and his warmongering, I agree with you (and for the record, McCain is not very popular with most GOP). We don't need to go to Syria, especially since the side he and Obama want to support are probably Al Qaeda. Moreover, anyone who says they want to blow up Iran is spewing crazy rhetoric. Not all Iranians support Ali Khamenei or the other ayatollahs. There was a time when the USA and Iran were friendly and it is possible that may happen again in the future. But the hateful rhetoric of Khamenei and the various presidents and diplomats toward the USA and Israel don't help. Iran once was friendly to Christians and Jews, with not only greater freedom of religion but freedom of expression too. Early in his presidency Obama had the chance to support those who supported greater Iranian freedom but he dropped the ball.

As for abortion, I don't think I want to get in the debate of good and evil, or moral of the matter. Of course there are circumstances that I consider abortion to be immoral. (Anything other than rape or the life of the mother being in danger) However, I don't think when an egg and sperm meet, anything special per se has happened that you call that life. There's another important ingredient that's the will of the woman to further contribute to the process and keep it till it becomes a human being. Without it, this might've just happened outside the womb and you don't get anything. That will is important to me. It should be there, the choice has to be there.

As for the US and Iran relations, it's long overdue. Supporters of Ali Khamenei are in the minority. There were about 4 million votes for the candidate he wanted to get elected. About 50 million people were eligible to vote, 36 million voted and Rouhani got 18.5 million votes. I suppose those 14 million who didn't vote, don't want this regime at all. So you wouldn't find a nation in the middle east friendlier to the American people than that of Iran. We're hoping that this new president would bring about relationship with the US. As for Obama dropping the ball during the previous elections, I think he did the right thing staying out of it. I don't see a revolution like movement here in Iran. Reforms have to happen over the time to further isolate the hardliners.

Re the abortion issue, as a medical matter the beginning of human life is usually considered to be at the zygote stage, the rest of the process follows from there, but at that point there is a separate and new human being. As for a woman's will in the process, it's really irrelevant once the new life was created and nothing traumatic happens to the developing embryo/fetus/child. When the baby is ready to come, it's going to come. Even a comatose woman can give birth.

Most pro-lifers have no issue when it's to save the life of the mother, because the goal is preserving life. In the case of rape there is some flexibility also, not because it is right or good (after all, the baby is the victim of the rape too and has a rapist for a father), but because if we were to limit abortion to those two things it would cut down on the abortion rate. In many countries women face ostracism and persecution for keeping the children of rapes; in the USA we are more accepting. All that needs to be considered too. Many children of rapes have turned out to be successful, beautiful people.

On Iran, I think it should be understood that Ali Khamenei narrowed the field of presidential candidates so all those who had a chance had to bow to him. Rouhani is going to do whatever Khamenei tells him to do. And it wasn't too long ago that Iran did have a revolution, and I think there were things that could have been done to keep it alive. I respect that you are from there, but I know plenty of others from there who would disagree with you who believe that Obama should have given the people against the Ayatollah more support. It seems to me that for Iran to be friendlier to the USA there will have to be an Ayatollah friendlier to the USA, and I just don't see that happening.