No dontomasso, you are absolutely wrong on this. Calling Roe good case law is like saying Dred Scott v Sanford was.

A right to privacy has never been absolute and has never entailed everything. Do you have a right to beat your children or your wife so long as it's done behind closed doors? Can you build a nuclear weapon or develop anthrax in privacy? It was also an argument slave owners used to defend the institution ("If you don't like slavery, don't buy a slave!")
It's a typical example of left-wing insanity. Privacy has to have reasonable limits, and it is reasonable that privacy cannot be a cover for the taking of innocent human life.

Well, while you may not consider Thomas a scholar, there can be no doubt that White, Rehnquist, Roberts, Scalia and Alito were/are. Liberals who disagreed with Roe included John Hart Ely, Laurence Tribe, Cass Sunstein, Kermit Roosevelt, Alan Dershowitz, Eugene Volokh, Edward Lazarus, Hadley Arkes, etc.

I brought in McCorvey to show that the case was based on fraud and deception.