Originally Posted By: dontomasso
If it is a ponzi scheme (I forget which nut job made this one up...was if Faux News, Ted Cruz or just the booze?) when will it run out? Its been going strong since the thirties, and is expected to remain solvent for decades. You people live in a complete bubble, and when facts get in the way you just go and make stuff up, you know like Obama is from Kenya, Romney has the election locked...whatever.

BTW nice icon. Is that you or someone you admire for his brains? And don't you have other things to do like shut down the government, make sure people stay uninsured and in the emergency room, swoon over the brilliance of that idiot from Texas via Canada?

Wow. Mr. Straw Man Argument goes wild. Not only does he go crazy in making things up all over the map, he even insults my icon! Have you no shame? Insulting the Undertaker! I admire him as a wrestling entertainer, just like you admire Robert Duvall as an entertainer. Duvall, by the way, is a political conservative/libertarian, but on the bad side has been married four times.

Faux News? You must mean MSNBC, the real Faux News channel. You might be one of the handful of people who actually watch it. Say "Hi" to Reverend Al for us, will you? He's such a good liar/race-baiter/perjurer/fraudster/cheater/hypocrite that you must really admire him.

When will Social Security run out? The current projection is that the trust fund dries up in 2033 and by 2087 will basically be emptied out: http://www.ssa.gov/oact/trsum/. Those are the current projections. With Obama bringing in more refugees and illegal aliens into the system I wouldn't be surprised if that happened much sooner. But I'm sure that those Social Security are a bunch of "righties" working for Ted Cruz.

BTW, when did I ever say Obama was from Kenya? I believe he was born in Hawaii. It was some of his own Kenyan relatives who made that claim. You should ask them why the say he's from Kenya. Oh, yes, that was one of your many straw men.

When are you going to actually refute anything I wrote with FACTS? All we get is stuff like "people will just love the Affordable Health Care Act! One day it will happen!" Yes, any pigs are flying and Hell has frozen over. Please, give us some FACTS.