Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
"The two best hitmen west of the Mississippi" lol

That threat could only work on a middle-aged yuppie couple lol. But seriously, attention David Chase: That's how you do a finale.

I wasn't surprised that Jesse got to live. He's probably not too long for this world anyway, and even if he is he'll never be the same. None of the surviving characters will. I think that was the whole point, that crime does pay in one respect. But everyone pays in the end, especially the innocents (like Walt's kids, who are fucked up for life, even with that crazy trust fund).

I also like that Walt admitted that he was in it for himself. None of that Corleonesque nonsense about "doing it for my children." What a crock of shit that usually is.

But again, well done clap.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.