Welcome to the board Big_J_86. The A.B nowadays seem to allow a few Jews but not many depending on location. It's quite odd indeed that a Jew would even want to be a member. Also I can't recall where I read it, there was even a Native was a member somewhere. AB is mainly focus on monetary gains.
Thank you for the warm welcome and answer to my question!

...I agree that it would be quite odd for a Jew to want to be a member of the A.B. but I suppose it is about survival in many circumstances. At least initially anyways. Yes you are correct that at one point there was a member who was part Native American. His name is Michael Thompson. He was a very high ranking member at one point but later defected because he did not agree with some policies such as killing family member's of individuals they could not get to themselves. He is now on the A.B.'s hit list and lives in PC.