Originally Posted By: klydon1
There's no need to compromise my ACA. The bill passed, became law, was deemed constitutional, and Boehner failed 40 times to repeal it, not to mention that the President won reelection handily where the most differentiating issue of the campaign was Obamacare.

Boehner holding the government hostage to accomplish what he wasn't able to do since 2010 through legislative means is a slap in the face to the democratic process.

Negotiate nothing. That ship has sailed.

Slavery was law at one time too, with several Democrat presidents defending it. Justices also came out with decisions like Dred Scott. The ACA was Justice Roberts' Dred Scott decision. He "deemed" it Constitutional although there was clearly nothing Constitutional about it. Justice Kennedy saw through that facade. At any rate, the majority of the House won't vote to support it since they are accountable to their constituents. It doesn't have the votes, so either the White House and Reid compromise or forget it.

BTW, did you complain about Reid/Pelosi holding the government hostage when Bush was president? Didn't think so. Did you criticize Senator Obama when he refused to vote on raising the debt limit?