The answer is No.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
In some countries, like Belgium, 50 percent of all new borns are foreign born.

You make it sound like Muslims are that entire 50%. That number also includes Africans and Eastern Europeans. Does anybody fear the Russians taking over Europe by long-term immigration?

For that matter, yeah fuckhead religious right-wingers were behind those attacks. That's not exactly up for debate. Hey did you know the Mafia back in the day were mostly Italian? Does that mean that entire immigrant wave are trying to take over America? Yes "some" aren't integrating. But there's that other "some" who are.

(Go read up sometime some of the contemporary reactions to the Irish immigration in the 19th century, followed by the Italians later on. You had some "natives" worried sick that these foreigners would overflood America and their Pope would take over our government. Of course now this now comes off as insane, but people back then truely believed it.)

Also your doomsday scenario of a Sharia-run France made me laugh. People bitch at France for having too loose morals, now you're worried that they will be too moralistic. Wouldn't American right-wingers like that? I mean they're always on and on about a degenerate society getting away from the "Good Book." Of course its a different book and the totaltarian mindset fueled by these right-wingers would be more pronounced and demanding, but hey God beggers can't be choosers.