Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
The Klan is pretty much a tiny minute fraction of southern white Christians. Many still hold conservative views, but there is virtually no connection between churches and the Klan anymore. The Muslim world is a different story. The faction of radical jihadists is certainly a minority, however there is a great percentage of regular Muslims, mostly among the men, that agree not with terrorism, but the implementation of Islam everywhere.

Now I know many Christians would like to see their doctrine implemented across the world as well. What is the difference?

The difference is this: Sharia Law. Any proponent of basic human rights would fight against this fundamental Islamist code of ethics. It subjugates women, bans homosexuality, prohibits free speech, etc. It dictates all law from hygiene, the economy, diet, and dress code.

Now I don't see white conservative pastors and priests trying make women wear hijabs, limit free speech or influence the economy. Fact is radical Islam is much more dangerous than conservative Christianity.

Part of the problem is, people can't even have an honest and frank discussion about the widespread and rampant extremism among Muslims today because when the subject is brought up, liberals (including on this board) immediately go into defensive mode. They have this ridiculous paranoia about others not realizing there are good Muslims too so they feel they have to remind us of that fact over and over again (or they bring up vague examples of bad Christians from hundreds of years ago, or ridiculous parallels with the KKK today) until the original point of Muslim extremism is completely lost.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.