Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Getting back to the topic at hand, what has to happen is a reformation of the Muslim religion much like the reformation of Christianity in the 1500's. Interestingly the Muslim faithh is about 1500 years old, so if past is prologue we will see a reformation from the exrtremists. This will happen on several fronts. In Eurpope, eventually, where will be more assimilation and then interfaith marriages. That will dilute the extreme doctrines of Islam. In places like Pakistan and even Afghanistan, there are changes happening, albeit much slower. That little girl who got shot simply for going to school has become a worldwide celebrity and a touchstone for Muslims who want change. In Iran, apparently the people arre way more secular than the theocrats who run the country, and it Saudi Arabia, there would be huge changes if the regime there did not rule with an iron grim, which by the way will not last forever.
The big picture is very simple. Once the masses in the Muslim world acquire enough wealth and stability in their lives, they will reject a lot of the craziness. Once you have something to lose, perspectives change.

Right on DT. Even in a country like Egypt that according to polls more people are for Sharia law than other countries, you see Muslim brotherhood winning the election with slim numbers, passing a constitution based on Sharia law, but then have people demonstrating a year later to overthrow that system. When it can't even survive in a Muslim nation, it's really beyond me how can it survive in Europe.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones