There are many AB members with partial ancestry, some are part jewish, native american, hispanic, mediteraen.... and bingham has a tattoo of the star of david on his arm. I know many of the original members were irish bikers from northern california, but its a huge thing now.... here in MA most of them get shamrock tattoo's under there eyes or between there thumb and index finger( only the AB can sport shamrock tattoos fro the most part). Dont think the california AB and federal AB reconize other state AB factions as being authentic. the aryan brotherhood of texas is a totally seperate orginazation as well. And yes the Cali AB and FED AB, both get thier herion and cociane from the mexican mafia there allies in prison and the drug trade.
And to answer your questions, if you get locked up and are white you do not have to jion a skinhead gang or any gang for that matter( some find it easier) just have to link up with a few guys, youll probally stick to your own race but dont have to be a member. depends what type of person you are there probally be people in thier you know form the streets.
and if your eager to jion all you have to be is a seasoned criminal with partial white/caucasian heritage, willing to make money and commit violence, and have other white guys backs.
Well given the fact that I am 25% Italian, 25% Finnish and 50% Irish/British Isles by known ancestry I would obviously be able to join the AB right?
No, they dont like people whose ancestors come from finland. They take it as a sign of disrespect.
I remember that guy - I believe his reason for dropping out was because they (the AB leadership) were planning to hit someone's family and he was against it if my memory serves me right.
I'm really not surprised they (his family) outed him as a liar and a POS. After all, that's what criminals are.
On an unrelated note - it's funny how Michael Thompson who was also a certified killer and a high ranking AB member got out, but Rene Enriquez from MM is being denied parole again and again. Who knows what Rene would be up to if he got out - but he dropped out 20 years ago and has been helping the FBI and LAPD for decades. Interested story in his book too.
I remember that guy - I believe his reason for dropping out was because they (the AB leadership) were planning to hit someone's family and he was against it if my memory serves me right.
I'm really not surprised they (his family) outed him as a liar and a POS. After all, that's what criminals are.
On an unrelated note - it's funny how Michael Thompson who was also a certified killer and a high ranking AB member got out, but Rene Enriquez from MM is being denied parole again and again. Who knows what Rene would be up to if he got out - but he dropped out 20 years ago and has been helping the FBI and LAPD for decades. Interested story in his book too.
In the case of Enriquez the family of one of victims,an alleged drug dealer killed with an letal dose of heroin,are pushing for keep him in prison and the government dont have a reason for free him even after what he Enriquez did for help the LE. Its the same shit: he dont really left the crime etc
I remember that guy - I believe his reason for dropping out was because they (the AB leadership) were planning to hit someone's family and he was against it if my memory serves me right.
I'm really not surprised they (his family) outed him as a liar and a POS. After all, that's what criminals are.
On an unrelated note - it's funny how Michael Thompson who was also a certified killer and a high ranking AB member got out, but Rene Enriquez from MM is being denied parole again and again. Who knows what Rene would be up to if he got out - but he dropped out 20 years ago and has been helping the FBI and LAPD for decades. Interested story in his book too.
I think it was a guy refused to have his girl smuggle drugs in so they ordered and carried out a hit on his father. Who knows the real reason though, he so absurdly full of shit. He's the richard kuklinski of the AB.
If you ever have time watch the podcasts that follow this. Claims he was shot 20 times in prison. One incident was 5 shotgun rounds at point blank. I don't know if he's claiming 5 bbs from a shell or what, but his lies are astounding.
Another thing is when he claims he's Indian and goes into any of that I laugh at how the oohs and aahhhs are just automatic and to question something related to Indian anything is just so off limits to most people. Most people don't know anything about actual history, though.
AB Texas is its own thing I think on the state prison levels and they are organized outside of prison. There was that huge Rico case about 8-10 years ago
In the real life is like The Shot Caller movie,if you have a long sentence and dont want to be raped or killed you must pay the gang that control the prison for protection,if you dont have money you must do anything for survive:smuggle drug in the abuso and so on. The AB criteria is to be white and that stop. AB members was arrested selling dope with black gang members. Their believe is to make money,the other things dont count.
So how do I know I'm protected if I decided to join the AB in Prison?
Is it guaranteed that someone will have your back if say a black was to jump you and try to kill you?
Can't a guy just be cool with everyone and respect others while keeping to themselves? Are people really going to harass you in prison if you don't want to be bothered and don't have any intention disrespecting anyone? Are guys in prison really gonna waste their time with a guy who say was in there for a crime that wasn't something that would piss them off such as a racial killing or something like that?
Say I go in prison and all I want to do is sit in my cell and read books and workout in the yard. I never say a word to anyone. Are people really gonna come after me?
Why is that they take a Scandinavian Country disrespect The Vikings tribe is part of the AB culture they got Viking Tattoos as well as Nazi Tattoos which is German I would think Irish cause of the Shamrock Tattoo being the AB origin of Irish Descent people as well as other whites German Scandinavian Dutch Scottish English would be their Origins as well I can Understand a Italian cause they look at Italians as. Non White People cause a lot of them have a Olive Complexion or even a Greek
How come the Aryan Brotherood its not big on the outside? Or whites generally?
Ofcorse there are white dealers etc but in prison the Whites have shown they have the balls and power. Why arent there big white groups that controll cities etc? Maybe Hells Angels but they cant compare to like Cartels, Mafias etc?
So how do I know I'm protected if I decided to join the AB in Prison?
Is it guaranteed that someone will have your back if say a black was to jump you and try to kill you?
Can't a guy just be cool with everyone and respect others while keeping to themselves? Are people really going to harass you in prison if you don't want to be bothered and don't have any intention disrespecting anyone? Are guys in prison really gonna waste their time with a guy who say was in there for a crime that wasn't something that would piss them off such as a racial killing or something like that?
Say I go in prison and all I want to do is sit in my cell and read books and workout in the yard. I never say a word to anyone. Are people really gonna come after me?
Depend by the prison,but there will ever be who assault the other inmates for rape them or because many inmates have mental problems. Pay someone serve to avoid this but if you are strong enought to beat them you dont need protection. But a count is few years and another ten or more years,you must organizate yourself for survive.
How come the Aryan Brotherood its not big on the outside? Or whites generally?
Ofcorse there are white dealers etc but in prison the Whites have shown they have the balls and power. Why arent there big white groups that controll cities etc? Maybe Hells Angels but they cant compare to like Cartels, Mafias etc?
The AB is definitely operating on the outside, but it's all about demographics. In Los Angeles city for instance the blue collar neighborhoods are largely Mexican, African American or Central American with some pockets of Armenians (in Glendale) and Koreans (parts of Koreatown). Naturally the biggest gang element is gonna come out of communities in the tougher neighborhoods. The vast majority of whites in inner city Los Angeles are well-off yuppie hipsters; they're not gonna run the criminal element in any neighborhood lol. The AB is definitely operating in the counties outside the city; there's definitely a noticeable presence in Orange County for instance. Not the mention the counties in Northern California and the outskirts of cities like Sacramento or Fresno. Basically every year there are RICO cases in California that are connected to the AB.
It's the same thing with the ABT in Texas; they have taken a root in many smaller towns and more rural districts outside the bigger cities.
When it comes to white supremacist criminal organizations the Universal Aryan Brotherhood in Oklahoma is probably one of the more endemic at the moment. Big time meth traffickers and they hold a TON of sway in both Oklahoma prisons, rural towns in the state as well as parts of bigger cities like OKC.
But the AB are only on the West coast prisons? Never tried to create to expand in the East coast?
Demographics. In NY/NJ the vast majority of the economically deprived neighborhoods are African American, Dominican or Puerto Rican so the respective big gangs like United Blood Nation, Trinitarios or Latin Kings are gonna hold the most sway in prison because they got the numbers. The white blue collar neighborhoods in for instance NY and NJ were traditionally very LCN-influenced because Italian Americans were the (generally speaking) economically less well-off white community over there. The last "poor" white community that migrated in large numbers to the West Coast were rural whites from Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Criminals from that community had no "Mafia" tradition so they gravitated more towards biker gangs out of which the white supremacist groups sprung.
How come the Aryan Brotherood its not big on the outside? Or whites generally?
Ofcorse there are white dealers etc but in prison the Whites have shown they have the balls and power. Why arent there big white groups that controll cities etc? Maybe Hells Angels but they cant compare to like Cartels, Mafias etc?
The AB is definitely operating on the outside, but it's all about demographics. In Los Angeles city for instance the blue collar neighborhoods are largely Mexican, African American or Central American with some pockets of Armenians (in Glendale) and Koreans (parts of Koreatown). Naturally the biggest gang element is gonna come out of communities in the tougher neighborhoods. The vast majority of whites in inner city Los Angeles are well-off yuppie hipsters; they're not gonna run the criminal element in any neighborhood lol. The AB is definitely operating in the counties outside the city; there's definitely a noticeable presence in Orange County for instance. Not the mention the counties in Northern California and the outskirts of cities like Sacramento or Fresno. Basically every year there are RICO cases in California that are connected to the AB.
It's the same thing with the ABT in Texas; they have taken a root in many smaller towns and more rural districts outside the bigger cities.
When it comes to white supremacist criminal organizations the Universal Aryan Brotherhood in Oklahoma is probably one of the more endemic at the moment. Big time meth traffickers and they hold a TON of sway in both Oklahoma prisons, rural towns in the state as well as parts of bigger cities like OKC.
They are tied with many skinhead and racist gangs but like Killing Joke said that are small things while in the opposte the Mexican Mafia rules and many latin gangs pay tributes to them.