Just to add another thought that I had. Is it possible that if a gnat, mosquito, fly or tick bites a walker and then bites a living person that the person can slowly get sick as the virus begins to escalate inside that person and they eventually turn?
And is it possible that a mosquito or gnat bit a walker and then somehow got into the food that the harry potter kid ate which triggered the virus to start spreading within the kid, eventually turning him?
I already love where this season is going.
I do too DC. And, at this point, I'm guessing your theory IS possible. At first I thought the water, but I'm thinking more the food (maybe the dead pig is a clue?), since at the very very beginning of the episode, Rick walks outside and the first thing he does his drink water from the barrel and at least thus far, he hasn't been affected.
Anyway, is it possible that IF this Potter kid had the virus, the group would conclude it came from inside causing everyone at the prison to be suspicious of everyone else. That would be an interesting storyline.
I got my daughter into WD last season. She did a quick catch-up and saw most of the episodes. She loves the show. BUT, she sees it at 6:00 and I see it at 9:00. She has ATT-Uverse, I have Time Warner cable. Only thing I can think of is her company airtime is from back east and mine the west. It drives me nuts tho.

Season finale last year she saw it before me and knew not to tell me about Andrea but it was driving her nuts and she wanted me to call right after.

I LOVE this show!!