Of course they're not Muslim. Don't use this is an example to belittle an ongoing problem in Europe
Are you SURE he's not Muslim? Because from the reading I've done here I thought that only Muslims did such things.

Maybe he's an undercover Muslim or descended from a Muslim. Surely the only reason he's not been arrested or charged is that soft-on-crime liberals are afraid of offending Muslims..
And here I was afraid you were going to be a prick about this

Again, if you're trying to paint me as a discriminator against Muslims think again. The cop was white, so what? Anyone who does that to a person should face the consequences.
My concern is that radical Islam will somehow take root in Europe and that IS a possibility with the birth rates and immigration that's going on. Any religion in any extreme is bad, including Islam, but you wouldn't wanna admit that would you? I don't see pastors and priests trying to blow us up. The fact that you would willingly ignore the problems with Islam today is disturbing.