Originally Posted By: LittleMan
Just McCane, as far as Gaspipe's contacts are concerned. Casso was one of the few mobsters to supply info for a pseudo autobiography. That's the only reason the general public is aware of his FBI leak.

I gotta figure other dons had agents in their pocket, but they didn't write books. It's been said that Hoover stayed away from the mob because he didn't trust that he could keep his agents from being corrupted. I don't believe this was just a hunch on Hoover's part- he probably had intel that supported his fears.

Didn't Whitey Bulger have his own FBI guy in his pocket?

Mango, the Hoover isn't that simple; I don't think there's ONE answer but fear of 'corruption' had more to do with the agency's reluctance to use its own men as undercover agents, except, notably, against Communists and, later, the Klan... and blacks, and radicals etc (see COINTELPRO).

You have to remember the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was ALL OVER the mob so you have to look to FBI versus FBN rivalry and ask yourself why the various Attorneys General and U.S. Attorneys didn't prioritize the mob; the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany are two answers...

Mango, re: Anastasia, there were strong possible cases-- including but not limited to murder-- against AA ** before ** Reles came along; neither the Feds nor the state (Brooklyn) did shit, although there were some within the state who thought they should. Thus the death of Reles was sorta the PUBLIC endgame-- it let the then current DA ** pretend ** that if only Reles was still here...