The lists are cool but they are not fully accurate. And as you can see, they are not complete. A lot of names are missing and there are names on the lists that should not be there. For example, if you take a look at the Bonanno list, there are names of Rochester guys listed. These Rochester guys were actually members of the Rochester Family. I don´t know exactly how they ended up on the Bonanno list. And like Sonny pointed out, the Montreal faction is not listed. Some guys on the lists are listed in the wrong Family and some, far from all, but some birth dates are wrong.

In some cases, members who were just soldiers are incorrectly listed as captains (or higher). I don´t know exactly when these hearings took place, but I suspect these lists were compiled some years after the hearings. Because some of the guys listed as captains, were actually captains later on (not in 1983). Joe LaForte (Gambino), Anthony Casso (Lucchese), Vincent DiNapoli (Lucchese, actually Genovese member and I´m not sure he was a captain in the first place) and Victor Orena (Colombo) comes to mind. And some of the captains listed were actually captains, or acting captains, in the 1960s or 1970s, but romoved from their positions way before 1983. lists. I love the home addresses listed. But one thing to keep in mind is that many of these guys were not active in the area they lived in. For example, some guys who lived in NJ, were active in NY City etc.

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