Is it me or is this the same show every week? Irvine walks into a dump, most of the time there are family members running it who don't get along and don't understand the business. Then in 48 hours Irvine solves all the family issues, fixes the menu (usually with chicken parm) and then his designer and builder run into all kinds of problems until the very last minute, when the place gets fixed, the kitchen is perfect, the family issues are solved, and the restaurant is running at full capacity.
Also the designs are always the same. They tear everything down, but wood laminate on the floors, do some kind of basket thing with the lighting, put plates or forks on the walls, and somewhere prominently put the name of the restaurant someplace. And there are always those little pots of flowers on the tables. By all accounts Robert Irvine should win some kind of awards in psychiatry, cooking, business acumen and design. Jeez...when does he have time to work out, and how does that same Lexus get all over the country?