Originally Posted By: klydon1
The Cleveland Indian logo has been the subject of controversy from time to time. In the 70s some people complained. I think it's a typical baseball logo of the time where the logos are cartoonish. The Orioles' bird that looks like a smiling duck, the chubby Padre are a couple of other cartoons.

Speaking of nicknames in baseball, the 50/60s were a gentle time with unimpressive names like"Padres, Angels, Mets, Astros, Expos, Brewers, Twins...

This is true, Klydon, that the Indians logo controversy does not stem from the recent debate about the Redskins name. The logo has been under attack for 50-60 years. I remember walking into Jacobs Field during the 1995 World Series to a fair number of protestors. They were against the Braves name and the Indians logo.

During the past few years, the Indians have quietly moved away from the Chief Wahoo logo in response to the complaints. In its place they use a script "I" or a "C" on most of their ballcaps. While I might have not cared 20 years ago, I now will not wear a Chief Wahoo logo because I realize that it upsets some people.

And now, to add a little light-heartedness to this serious discussion, leave it to The Onion:

Washington Redskins Change Their Name To The D.C. Redskins