Originally Posted By: JCB1977
Nope, not a mental midget. My personal information (first & last name) was made public by another member. Due to the world we live in, I decided to create another account because I am security conscious. I belong to two other forums, so if they ban me from this one, so be it...I haven't broken a law, at the end of the day, it's a forum online...not a threat to National security. FYI- There are two other guys I work with that operate from the same network/I.P address. Thank you for letting me contribute, some of you have provided a lot of good insight. Although Pittsburgh/Youngstown/Cleveland are not the most popular OC topics, there are still many people who look for specific information on these areas. I have researched it for about 10 years and am working on the Pittsburgh project with an author from Cleveland...a two part project. If any of you have specific questions, look me up on real deal at JCB1977 and I'd be happy to answer them. Thanks again for the positive feedback in most cases. Much appreciated.

Warm Regards,


Okay. But why (and you haven´t explained this) did you use different acounts addressing and talking to yourself???

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