Welcome, Salvi. First off, don't be surprised if the mods move this thread into the "Organized Crime" section.
I'm also in my 50's (just turned 54). Anyway, I've lived in the Bronx all my life. But for the past fifteen years we've owned a place in Delray Beach where we now spend three or four months a year, depending on the family and whatnot. Prior to that my parents had a place in Sunny Isles for many years, and my in-laws currently live in the Jupiter Colony condos near the Jupiter inlet, so I'm extremely familiar with the area.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're a Broward guy? Doesn't really matter. I remember a few wiseguy haunts in that area that you probably remember. The Diplomat in Hallandale was always a big draw for those guys (they freakin LOVE hotel bars

). Also, the old Howard Johnson's in Deerfield (I'm pretty sure it's a Wyndham now) used to have a patio bar overlooking the ocean. I never saw him there, but I was once told that Nicky Scarfo was a regular there (like I said, I'm a Bronx guy anyway, so I wouldn't have recognized many Philly guys from back then).
Lots of guys with second homes in Broward and Southern Palm Beach County today. But none that I'm comfortable posting about

But again, welcome to the boards, Salvi
