Originally Posted By: Scorsese

Thats an urban legend, gangs dont really do that.

Correct, that's an urban legend. Although I can understand why someone would believe the story to be true, due to LE incorrectly sending out the warning to others.

Originally Posted By: MichaelMussino

Yes but all those people whacked were associates or involved With The mob in some way.

There are many instances where civilians were whacked by the mob. In the examples I gave about honest union officials and honest sanitation execs- they unknowingly chose death over being associated with the mob in any way.

It's not just LCN soldiers and associates that can have civilians killed....mob bosses can be just as guilty. These murders may not have resulted in someone getting straightened out, but still.....Vito Genovese killed a man simply because he lusted after his wife (he actually married her); Gaspipe Casso killed an architect possibly because he didn't want to pay, or felt he looked at his wife the wrong way; John Gotti had a man tortured and killed because he accidentally ran over his son; Lucky Luciano likely had actress Thelma Todd whacked because she didn't want the mob to run a gambling operation over her restaurant, Paul Castellano had his son in law whacked because he was mistreating his daughter, etc...

And plenty of innocent civilians were killed simply for being with the murder victim, or were eye witnesses.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)