Didn't mean to bring this thread to a screeching halt by putting things in context. just assumed that everybody was aware of who the direct influences of some the biggest music were.
Jazz and blues performers get awards,honors, "respect" TODAY..but in their day they were called every low down name you can think of by "polite society".
Oh and I put up the image of the "grandmaster b" persona that fictional Bud Bundy adopted...
and i read a story today about Daniel Day Lewis' son being a "rapper" now and got a few laughs reading the article."Gabriel Day Lewis aka Gabe Day
I DARE you to watch the video for "Gabe Day"'s song "Green auras' and make it to the end without laughing
Here is his father's reaction to the song
don't worry about kids watching tv and trying to imitate entertainers...it's just a phase.nobody wants to be richie cunnigham, everybody wants to be fonzie, the cool one ...these kids can act out their "hood fantasies" from the safety of middle american suburbs ....makes them feel "edgy" and when any real trouble comes....they can just say
"I'm appalled"

and snap out of it