Originally posted by MaryCas:
I have a hard time understanding the outrage expressed here over a beheading. Is it the act of the beheading or the circumstances of the victim? With respect to the act of beheading; it may seem barbaric, but I don't see it as any different than suicide bombers attacking people eating in a restaurant. Different weapons, same intent. Keep in mind that most Westerners who are there working are making $1,000 a day or more. They know the risks.
Your point is well taken, that both ways that they murder is definately brutal. No question about it. But just think of something for a second; If you are working or walking and a bomb blows up, you are not expecting it and therefore it does not work on your mind. Not to say that it is not a horrible way to die or suffer, but it hits you when you are not expecting it, and therefore you have no time to think about it. Now consider being tied up, held for days and being told that your head is going to be cut off! That is pure torture! It's got to make your mind crack knowing that someone is going to
slowly cut off your head. It must be very painful both physically and mentally. I don't think that anyone was actually trying to say that a beheading is brutal and getting blown up is not. But I do think that what is trying to be said is that a beheading is slow torture and is a horrible way for a person to KNOW how they are going to slowly be killed.
Bottom line, all these acts of murder are barbaric! Remember, we are dealing with animals anyway, and they deserve to lose thier souls!
Don Cardi