Originally posted by afsaneh77:
I find it even more arrogant that when Iraqi civilians get killed in an air raid, and don't get me started on that, you say well they were gotten killed in the process that we were trying to give them freedom. Is that freedom in the vocabulary of those who support war? I even find it more terrible to see Iraqi people had to be there. It's going to be two years that they have to live in that chaos. It was their home.
No, that is not freedom in the vocabulary of those who supprot the war. Yes, it is a fact that in any war there are bound to be civilian casualties, and that is very heartbreaking and sad. But let's not forget that before this war in Iraq, the leader of that country and his two animal son's were torturing innocent people, maiming them, building mass grave by all that they killed, and had them living in fear. There is absolutely no way that you can tell me that the Iraqi citizens were better off when when Saddam and his son's were in power! I recieve letters from 3 different soldiers on a monthly basis, who are son's of friends of mine. They are over there risking there lives every moment of the day to protect, free and educate the Iraqi innocents. When you read these letters you get a better sense of what is actually taking place over there. Yes, it is a mess, and that is the only part that the media portrays to the people, and that is definately how your arab media over there is painting the U.S. soldiers, to be invaders and murderers. But in the letters from these soldiers they convey thier disgust at how what is going on is portrayed. They are outraged on how the arab media lies to thier own people. They write how they are seeing a big change in Iraq, for the better. How Iraqi children are going to school for the first time, how Iraqi families surround them and thank them for helping and freeing them. They tell about how many Iraqi families tell them that for the first time in thier lives they have fresh running water in thier homes, and electricity 24 hours a day! How they are reciving medical attention when needed. They tell our soldiers how they never ever knew that many of these things existed, things that we take for granted, and thank them for providing these things to them! They tell how Iraqi people ask them to take them back to America! Why is it that these positives are not shown to the rest of the world, especially in the arab media? Are those in power in the Arab world afraid that thier people, many who are still surpressed, will realize that democracy and freedom are a great thing? I am not talking about religion here, as that has nothing to do with it. What I am trying to convey to someone from your part of the world is that what you are being told by those in power, through your media, is not the way that it is. Our soldiers are there to help put a democratic system in place, help rebuild a country that has been surpressed for many years, and help protect the people from the insurgents and terrorists who do NOT want the Iraqi people to be free. Let me leave you with this : If America is so terrible, then why do we have an immigrant problem here? Why are so many people from all over the world banging on our doors to come into my country? Why did you, yourself, come to my country to make a living? I don't mean that in an arrogent way, as it is not my intention to be hostile towards you, but I sincerely would like to understand why people such as yourself, come to my country to make a living and a life for themselves, and then trash my country! If it is so good over there, why have so many arab people come to America in record numbers over the years?
Again, I am not trying to embarass or talk down to you, but I just want to understand and hope that you can answer my questions!
Don Cardi