I went to your country because without a doubt it is a great country, I've enjoyed so many things that America has offered the world. I don't think in my last posts or any other of my posts I ever tried to trash America. The only problem is I'm against this war. I can still love America, and say God bless America and half of my heart actually belongs to America but I have a different opinion about American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Iranians are not Arab. They are Persian and this is very important to me because my country has suffered Arabs attacking her over the history. That sound very arrogant of me but it is a touchy subject for me.

I don't only see our news, I check all other news stations like BBC and CNN. The fact is the condition in Iraq is very bad. And other thing, in Iraq people were going even to university so I don't get it when you say kids go to school for first time now. That is true about Afghanistan though which I'm not talking about. Iraq, Syria and Iran have real good universities. Even women here can go to school and study whatever major they want. I'm a woman myself and I majored in EE.

By the way, I've left your country after I was laid off and it was right before the rumors of war with Iraq started. I felt if this was Iran that the US was going to attack would I feel okay to stay over there and pay taxes to finance bombs that might hit our house and get my family killed? And I felt so much confused that I decided I'm better off if I go back. I don't know if I made the right decision but that was what I felt I should do. I'm against war because I was raised under such condition when we had a war with Iraq. I know what it is like when your town is under air raids. I'm sorry but I can't approve of this war, not that I approve of Saddam, but I think freedom is what people of a country have to gain themselves over the time.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones