Originally Posted By: JoeTheBoss

Vincent "Schemer" Drucci - Laurence Bergreen, in his book, Capone: The Man and the Era, describes Drucci:
"He had a streak of recklessness and daring, and he looked the part of a gangster – tough, dark, and menacing, his expression frozen in a tragic mask topped by wild unkempt hair (and) a face to haunt the dreams of his enemies."

According to one of his drivers who was interviewed in old age by Rose Keefe, Drucci's idea of a good time was to stand outside a cafe dressed as a priest, wait for a couple to walk by, and say "nice ass, honey", and when they turned around shocked, he'd say "not you lady, your fella". Then sometimes Dean O'Banion would show up and pretend to angrily kick the shit out of the "priest" to shock people even more. Sounds like a real fun bunch.