SPOILERS FROM DEC. 1 MID SEASON FINALEI am still blown away by last night's episode. So much to talk.

A few thoughts:
I didn't think the Governor would be killed off this soon BUT I am glad that it was Mishonne who speared him (tho Lily shot him afterward). Poor Rick had the crap beaten out of him. He barely made it. Carl should have taken the shot at the Governor while he could.
I am still wondering IF baby Judith is dead tho by all indications it seems to be the case. I try to avoid any spoilers from the comic book but did see somewhere a link to find out "what happens to baby Judith" in the comic books. I don't like spoilers so didn't click link.
Oh, and who do you think is responsible for the rats in the prison? At first I thought the Governor but seems like it's gotta be someone within the prison.
Plus, I expect Carol to show up somewhere.....maybe as a Walker???