Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
You fundamentally don't seem to agree with concept of the rule of law. And the rule of law is no way "abstract"- but utilitarian in preventing the abuses and tyranny of discretionary government. If that means some people that are ultimately guilty get off, so be it. It's a hell of alot better than your platonic bureaucrats that get discretionary power over people's life and death.

Back in 1957 in was the mafia that had the power over people's life and death. The got off the hook in 99% of the cases. So why worrying about their "rights being hurt" if in ONE case not everything went as they planned? Don't forget, it was 1957, not today, you still had problems like racial segregation for example, yet you insist that the "rights" of MOB BOSSES was the priority n.1 even back then?

You need to read up more on Mafia in that time period. Where did you come up with them getting off for 99% of crimes? Many had done time, some had served several sentances, and most who did not attend had previoully done heavy time, or were actually in prison during meeting. Their conviction rate seems to have been same as for anyone else. As for rights, everyone has rights, this is America. Would you want to live in a dictatorship? Once they do it to one group, they can start doing it to everyone. Thankfuly it was overturned.