Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Joe, Although I personally wouldn't have chosen your vocabulary, I completely agree with the sentiment.

I think Pope Francis is a wonderful man of humility. He preaches Jesus Christ's message of love, tolerance and acceptance. Supposedly, John Paul I had similar leanings, and I hope that Francis meets a better fate.

I must admit I am a huge fan of Pope Francis. I didn't have high hopes for the Church electing a man like him but I have the utmost respect for this man. His humbleness is unprecedented and he focuses on loving others rather than scorning them. He tells people to love gays without actually changing the position of the church itself. Besides if anyone is really honest with themselves there will never be a Pope who condones abortion or homosexuality. But we got the next best thing and that's good enough for me.

The Christian right in this country, mostly protestant should really fuck off, simply because they aren't even Catholic and don't know a damn thing about being one. Also it just makes them look even more stuck up than they already are

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone