Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
This guy pretty much picked a crime guaranteed to burn all of his bridges.None of his friends are going to stand by him,his business associates will turn their backs on him,and he will be a target in prison. Because of his charges,even his old man won't protect him inside,because he can't be perceived as condoning his son's behavior. His future will be segregation in the snitch and rapist unit,and a life as a pariah on the street if and when he is released. His best shot is to wait for the verdict,and if found guilty,to kill himself rather than go in.

Exactly. This maggot confessed too so there is no room for the sad excuses most pedophiles give when caught with child porn. I hope he gets raped in prison n catches AIDS and suffers 24 hours a day til the day he dies. Anybody in my family ever got busted for some shit like this they'd be disowned immediately no questions asked