Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
if social security and medicare count as public assistance, that statistic may well be accurate. But who cares? The wingholes on these boards don't care about the truth anyway. They are too busy with Jesus and Santa being blond haired blue eyed white people.

Not sure what you're getting at here

I thought there was some kind of dispute about whether more white people are on public assistance than non-whites, and I was just asking if Social Security and Medicare count as assistance, cause if they do, my guess is that statistic is correct. The Jesus and Santa stuff was just a gid at Fox "news."

Well anyone living in the North Pole isn't going to have much of a tan lol

But I've done a little research about this. Asians followed closely by whites are the most successful ethnic groups in this country, third are Hispanics and I think that number will rise in the coming years and fourth are blacks. Obviously there are more ways than one to measure success, but I think the stats were based on overall income.

In any case many people receive Social Security and Medicare that's not uncommon. I thought Soc. Security checks came after you retired. But there's a BIG problem right now in that more people are taking from social security than paying into it. The boomers (that's you) will be retiring soon and you guys are much larger than Gen. X or my own generation so we're basically screwed there unless something drastic is done.

I realize welfare, food stamps, etc exist to help those in need. But all too often people use them for the wrong purpose, OR they can live off welfare and foot stamps better than they can actually working. Why make 20K a year flipping burgers at McDonalds when you can earn 30K in Welfare checks?

And speaking of McDonalds, their workers are on strike and want a pay rise. Well excuse me, if you're working at a fast food joint you don't deserve a fuckin pay rise. What are you contributing to society other than serving a bunch of lards more fat to their evergrowing thighs? Those kinds of jobs exist for one purpose: to give you the motivation to GET OUT of them. No one wants to do that or work any kind of food service industry job for the rest of their lives. Believe me I would know. So you do what you can to leave that shit behind

This is what bothers me about America. We feel this sense of entitlement about everything. Well excuse me, life isn't fair, it's never been fair, so shut up about it. In the business world no one hands you anything on a silver platter. Should people have easy ACCESS to health care? Yes. Should welfare be used to help those who need it? Absolutely. Should it just be given to them? No it should not. If you give a poor family, uneducated at best free health care, do you think they're going to know how to use it properly? Not a chance in hell. If someone can live better of welfare than they can working at Burger King will they take that job? Again not a chance in hell.

Obamacare stinks because the bill was pushed through without ONE Republican Senate vote, no one bothered to read it or question it, and it was flawed without anyone trying to fix the holes. Now the website doesn't work, costs are up, people are losing coverage when Obama said they wouldn't, and more ignorant people are going to receive something they don't understand how to utilize.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 12/18/13 05:13 PM.

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