Shmoe I respectfully disagree with some of your points.

1. Fast food workers deserve a liging wage. Agreed all they do is serve shitty food to people stupid enough to eat it, but we can't do a "Bloomberg" and tell people what they can't eat. Besides these fast food chains are making a fortune in profits, and to pay their workers a living wage like maybe 10 or 11 dollars an hour isn't going to hurt them. And if the price of a Big Mac goes up a nickle, big deal. Personaly I never eat that crap anyway, but I believe in Henry Ford's concept that he wanted to build a car his employees could afford. That was the Model T and thats one of the great ideas that got this country where it is.

2. The Social Security thing is blown way out of proportion. There is enough money in it until something like 2040 and by then there will be a fix. By then the boomers will be mostly dead, and the retirement age will be 75 or higher. I am 66 and get 2300 a month. Think I can live on that? Hell no. I have to work into my 70's.

3. "Sense of Entitlement." I think this is overblown as well. Most people don't feel "enetiled" to anything. Personally I believe everyone in a society as righ as this is "entitled" to food, shelter and health care..even if it is minimal. It is just a matter of decency. I know there are many people always looking for a "free lunch," and in my profession I constantly hear people griing about how someone or other violated "my rights." I always get a kick out of asking them what they think their "rights" are, and once they are done with some crazy talk, I tell them they have the right to free speech, to free religion, to freely assemble, rtc...basically whats in the Bill of Rights, and nothing more, and then I send them on their way.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."