The ACA is a complete trainwreck and should be scrapped in favor of something better. And this time have the politicians actually read it before they pass it isn't that a wild concept

Obama purposely lied to the american people about them being able to keep their current coverage and doctor even though he knew it wasn't true since July of 2010. Reason he lied is he and the rest of the democrats knew if the american people actually knew the details the 2010 midterm elections would not have been in their favor.
Then there is the website issues numerous IT experts have advised people to avoid the website due to the very real possibility their personal information could be at risk. Plus on some occasions the insurance companies will have no idea who actually purchased a plan.
Plus Schmo cookcounty is right conservative is codeword for racist, well at least for now since we have an african american president. The one big argument the left always seems to make is if you don't like obama or his policies you are a racist I should know as my cousin has called me a racist on more than one occasion