Pittsburg was a powerhouse till around the late 1960's when their power was being challenge by New York commission, mainly because of the conflict Pittsburg was having with Cleveland.
The same thing about New Orleans, It's power reached west to Navada, it also had Houston Texas, Dallas Texas was it's own family and not part of New Orleans as many have claimed it was part of New Orleans. Reached north to Arkansas, and southern Missouri which pissed of Kansas City and St. Louis crime families. To the east with Biloxi Mississippi, Mobile Alabama and almost Georgia, but that pissed off Tampa. Both Pittsburg and New Orleans had tremendous power and influences in union's both local and national, as well as city and state officials from coast to coast.

The Commission was finally able to regroup it's self and power after Joe Bonanno left New York and promised to never interfere with LCN business for the rest of his life. This allowed the commission to concentrate on other matter in the country, to where they stopped both Pittsburg and New Orleans crime families influences in the late 1960's.

After that Milwaukee became a powerhouse outside Chicago and New York. It's power and influence reached to Minnesota, northern Michigan, northern Iowa, Manitoba and Ontario Canada. It also had officials and unions from coast to coast till Balistrieri went to prison. It should be noted that other La Cosa Nostra members in other families have claimed that if Balistriere had not gone to prison, that he would have been giving a seat on the Commission.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green