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2014 Dead Pool
12/25/13 02:57 PM
12/25/13 02:57 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
The 2014 Dead PoolGOAL: Predict which notable* figures will die on/between January 1 and December 31, 2014, Eastern Time. Produce a maximum of 50 names, to be PM'ed to me (NOT posted here) before the ball drops in Times Square (NYC) at midnight on New Years (i.e., 12AM ET, January 1, 2014). The BB's default timestamp will determine entry time. *It's assumed that all notable figures will have an entry, or be mentioned in an entry, at Google, Wikipedia or another legit source which you may have to prove. Rules:1) PLEASE alphabetize your list of 50 names by LAST name (regardless of profession), either in the form of FIRSTNAME LASTNAME -or- LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, in *1* column of names. 2) If it's not obvious who the person is for most people, after the name please add why they're notable. For example: "Douglas Fraser, trade unionist" (Sorry, he's already dead). In addition, you may or may not choose to include the person's current age; for example: "Douglas Fraser, trade unionist (91)" 3) If you submit your list days before Midnight, January 1st, 2014, and someone on your list dies before 2014, you should substitute the person with another and resubmit your list (by the deadline). If you do not resubmit your list, and the person died in 2013, the person will obviously NOT count for 2014. 4) a) Thou Shalt Not Kill (anyone on your list); b) criminals subject to the Death Penalty or anyone kidnapped or held hostage in 2013 won't count -- unless they die of natural causes; c) "Dead" means permanently dead, not later revived, nor put in animated suspension, or any induced or natural coma starting before 2014 begins; d) do not edit Wikipedia with false death information. Everyone's lists will be updated unofficially throughout the year, but a year-end audit should be performed to determine the final winner sometime shortly after December 31, 2014. YOU are responsible for your own audit at years' end.Prize: Bragging Rights for 12 months. Check out results from 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008The next post will contain all participants' lists for easy reference, sometime on Jan 1st
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
12/25/13 02:58 PM
12/25/13 02:58 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
2014 GBB Dead Pool Entries (I've included last year's lists for those who didn't update them) SC (15)
Albanese, Licia Ali, Muhammad Bacall, Lauren Barker, Bob Berra, Yogi Bush, George HW Caesar, Sid Castro, Fidel deHavilland, Olivia DelMonte, William Douglas, Roy Douglas, Kirk Franklin, Aretha Gabor, Zsa Zsa Garner, James Graham, Billy Hefner, Hugh Imich, Alexander Kahn, Irving King, BB LaMotta, Jake Lee, Christopher Lee, Harper Lewis, Jerry Marie, Rose Mays, Willie Michael, George Mikasa, Prince Molinaro, Al Mubarak, Hosni Newman, Ruth Okawa, Misawo Olivero, Magda Pardo, Don Pei, IM Philip, Prince Rainer, Luise Reagan, Nancy Rooney, Mickey Schmidt, Helmut Seeger, Pete Stewart, Mary Vigoda, Abe Wallach, Eli Walsh, Walter Walsh, Lawrence Wapner, Judge White, Betty Wouk, Herman Zimalist Jr, Efram
| JG (4)
Muhammad Ali, boxer (71) Marty Allen, comedian (91) Mother Angelica, EWTN (90) Ed Asner, actor (84) Tariq Aziz, frmr Dep PM Iraq (77) Bob Barker, game show host (90) Lauren Bacall, actress (89) Harry Belafonte, singer/activist (86) Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus (86) Tony Bennett, singer (87) Chuck Berry, songwriter (87) Wilford Brimley, actor (79) Mel Brooks, actor/director (87) Whitey Bulger, murderer (84) George H.W. Bush, 41st Prez (89) Jimmy Carter, 39th president (89) Fidel Castro, Cuban president (87) David Crosby, musician (72) Olivia de Havilland, actress (97) Bob Dole, politician (90) Kirk Douglas, actor (97) Kitty Dukakis, Michael's wife (77) Queen Elizabeth II (87) Zsa Zsa Gabor, actress/socialite (96) Leif Garrett, singer (52) Billy Graham, evangelist (95) Stephen Hawking, physicist (71) Hugh Hefner, Playboy (87) B.B. King, guitarist (88) Larry King, CNN (80) Kris Kristofferson, singer (77) Jake Lamotta, boxer (92) Stan Lee, Marvel Comics (91) Jerry Lewis, actor (87) Norman Lloyd, actor/producer/director (99) Lindsay Lohan, "actress" (27) Courtney Love, Hole (49) Charles Manson, murderer (79) Al Molinaro, "Happy Days" Al (94) Gene Gene Patton, the Dancing Machine (81) I.M. Pei, architect (96) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (92) Nancy Reagan, former first lady (92) Don Rickles, comedian (87) Mickey Rooney, actor (93) Don Shula, NFL (83) Abe Vigoda, actor (92) Eli Wallach, actor (98) Lawrence Walsh, frmr Dep Attorney Gen (101) Judge Wapner, TV judge (94)
| TIS (5)
Allen, Marty Ali, Mohammad Ames, Ed Bacall, Lauren Barker, Bob Berry, Chuck Brimley, Wilford Buchanan, Pat Burns, Edd (Kookie) Bush, George HW Carter, Jimmy Connors, Mike (Connors) Davis, Ann B. Day, Doris Vic Damone Olivia DeHavilland Domino, Fats Downs, Hugh Douglas, Kurt Douglas, Michael Eastwood, Clint Fontaine, Joan Franklin, Aretha Gabor, Zsa Zsa Graham, Billy Green, Shecky Hefner, Hugh Kasem, Casey Kennedy, George King, BB King, Larry Lansbury, Angela Lee, Christopher Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Lee Loggia, Robert Lynn, Loretta Nelson, Willie O’Hara, Maureen O’Brien, Hugh O’Toole, Peter Perot, Ross Polanski, Roman Reagan, Nancy Reynolds, Burt Richards, Keith Rooney, Mickey Van Dyke, Dick Vigoda, Abe Wallach, Eli
| MIGNON (7)
1. Ali, Mohammud 2. Asner, Ed 3. Bacall, Lauren 4. Barker, Bob 5. Busey, Gary 6. Bush, Barbara 7. Bush, George SR. 8. Caeser, Sid 9. Carter, Jimmy 10. Cary Diana,Serra 11. Castro, Fidel 12. Cleary, Beverley 13. Cory, Irwin 14. Culkin, Macaulay 15. Day, Doris 16. DeHavilland, Olivia 17. Douglas, Kirk 18. Douglas, Michael 19. Franklin, Aretha 20. Fontaine, Joan 21. Gabor, Zsa-Zsa 22. Garrett, Leif 23. Graham, Billy 24. Harper, Valerie 25. Hawking, Stephen 26. Hefner, Hugh 27. King, BB 28. King, Larry 29. Lamotta, Jake 30. Lewis, Jerry 31. Lloyd, Norman 32. Lohan Lindsay 33. Marshall, Penny 34. Molinaro, Al 35. O’Hara, Maureen 36. Pardo, Don 37. Pei, IM 38. Reagan, Nancy 39. Keith, Richards 40. Rockefeller, David 41. Rooney, Mickey 42. Schmidt, Helmut 43. Stewart, Mary 44. Vandike, Dick 45. Vigoda, Abe 46. Wallach, Eli 47. Wapner, Joseph 48. White, Betty 49. Wouk, Herman 50. Zimbalist, Efram Jr
| BAM (3)
Ali, Muhammad-71 Assad-al, Bashar-48 Baer Jr, Max-76 Baker, Carrol-82 Barker, Bob-90 Bennett, Tony-87 Berra, Yogi-88 Bieber, Justin-19 Black Temple, Shirley-85 Brooks, Mel-87 Bush H.W, George-89 Caesar, Sid-91 Carter, Jimmy-89 Castro, Fidel-87 Checker, Chubby-72 Cheney, Dick-72 Chong, Tommy-75 Crosby, David-72 De Havilland, Olivia-97 Dick, Andy-48 Douglas, Kirk-97 Dyke Van, Dick-88 Franklin, Aretha-71 Gabor, Zsa Zsa-96 Graham, Billy-95 Harper, Valerie-74 Jackson, Joseph-85 Jackson, Katherine-83 Kissinger, Henry-90 LaMotta, Jake-92 Lee, Harper-87 Lewis, Jerry-87 Lockhart, June-88 Lohan, Lindsay-27 Marshall, Penny-71 Molinaro, Al-94 Mondale, Walter-85 Moore Tyler, Mary-77 Newhart, Bob-84 O'Hara, Maureen-93 Palmer, Betsy-87 Parsons, Estelle-86 Reiner, Carl-91 Reynolds, Debbie-81 Ronney, Mickey-93 Serra Cary, Diana-95 Uecker, Bob-78 Vigoda, Abe-92 Walker, Clint-86 White, Betty-91
Abdullah (King of Saudi Arabia) Assad Bashar Ali Muhammad Barker Bob Biden Joe Brimley Wilfred Carter Jimmy Castro Fidel Cooper Anderson Crosby Sidney Coulter Anne Day Doris Douglas Kirk Fabray Nanette Glazier Malcolm Graham Billy Greenspan Alan Hawking Stephen Kissinger Henry LaMotta Jake Lee Stan Levine James Lewis Jerry Lohan Lindsay Love Courtney Marshall Penny McCain John Mubarak Hosni Mugabe, (head of Zimbawe) Ono Yoko Nolte Nick Quaid Randy Reagan Nancy Rooney Mickey Tyler Stephen Zahawiri Ayman
1 al-Assad, Bashar 2 Ali,Muhammad 3 Asner,Ed 4 Bednarik, Chuck 5 Berra,Yogi 6 Berry,Chuck 7 Bush,George HW 8 Castro,Fidel 9 Channing,Carol 10 Checker,Chubby 11 Cheney,Dick 12 Crosby,David 13 DeHavilland,Olivia 14 Doerr, Bobby 15 Dole, Robert 16 Domino,Fats 17 Donovan, Art 18 Douglas,Kirk 19 Gabor,Zsa Zsa 20 Graham,Billy 21 Gregg,Forrest 22 Holbrook, Hal 23 Irvin, Monte 24 Kiner, Ralph 25 King,BB 26 King,Larry 27 Leachman,Cloris 28 Lewis, Jerry 29 Lewis,Jerry 30 Marie, Rose 31 O'Brien, Hugh 32 Parker, Clarence 33 Pei,I.M. 34 Peres, Shimon 35 Perry,William 36 Randolph, Joyce 37 Ranier, Luise 38 Reagan,Nancy 39 Reiner,Carl 40 Richards,Keith 41 Rooney,Mickey 42 Shoendienst, Red 43 Stookey,Paul 44 Tittle, Y.A. 45 Vigoda,Abe 46 Wallach,Eli 47 Wapner,Judge 48 Wilson, Ralph 49 Young, Alan 50 Zimbalist, Jr.,Efrem
| DE NIRO (6)
1 Ali, Muhammad (Boxer) 71 2 B.B. King (Blues Singer) 88 3 Berry ,Chuck(Guitarist) 87 4 Brady, Ian (Child killer) 75 5 Bush Sr , George(Former President) 89 6 Castro, Fidel (Cuban Leader) 87 7 Connery, Sean (Actor) 83 8 Day, Doris (US Singer) 89 9 Doherty, Pete (British Musician) 34 10 Domino, Fats (US Singer) 85 11 Douglas, Kirk (Actor) 96 12 Eastwood, Clint(Actor) 83 13 Francis,Connie (Singer) 75 14 Franklin, Aretha (US Singer) 71 15 Gabor, Zsa Zsa (Actor) 96 16 Gordan, Norman (South African Cricketer) 102 17 Gordy, Berry (Music Producer) 84 18 Gregg, Harry (Ex footballer) 81 19 Havelange, Joao( Ex FIFA President) 97 20 Havilland, Olivia de (Actress) 98 21 Hawking, Stephen (Physicist) 71 22 Healey,Dennis (British Politician) 96 23 King,Ben E (Singer) 75 24 La Motta, Jake (Boxer) 92 25 Lansbury, Angela (Actress) 88 26 Lee, Christopher (Actor)91 27 Lee Stan (Producer) 91 28 Lewis,Jerry Lee (Singer) 78 29 Lynn,Vera (Singer) 97 30 Malarkey,G Donald (Band Of Brother War Veteran) 92 31 Molinaro Al (Actor) 94 32 Moore , Roger (Actor) 86 33 Mose John Allison, Jr (Blues Singer) 86 34 O'Hara Maureen (Actress) 93 35 Okawa Misao (Supercentenarian) 115 36 Pincher, Chapman Journalist/Investigator 99 37 Prince Mikasa (Japanese Royal) 98 38 Prince Philip 92 39 Rainer,Luise (Actress) 103 40 Reagan, Nancy (Former First Lady) 92 41 Richards, Keith( Rolling Stone) 69 42 Schmidt,Helmut (German Politician) 95 43 Sheen , Charlie(Actor) 48 44 Sinatra , Nancy(US Singer) 73 45 Temple, Shirley (Actress) 85 46 Van Dyke, Dick (American Actor) 88 47 Vigode, Abe (Actor) 92 48 Wallach , Eli(Actor) 98 49 White,Betty (Actress) 91 50 Whitlam,Gough (Former Australian PM) 97
| KLYDON1 (6)
Muhammad Ali Mother Angelica Richard Attenborough Bob Barker Yogi Berra Wilfred Brimley Mel Brooks George HW Bush Sid Caesar Glen Campbell Jimmy Carter Fidel Castro Carol Channing Macauley Culkin Olivia deHavilland Fats Domino Clint Eastwood Zsa Zsa Gabor James Garner Billy Graham Monty Hall Valerie Harper Stephen Hawking George Kennedy BB King Larry King Henry Kissinger Jake LaMotta Cloris Leachman Christopher Lee Harper Lee Stan Lee Rose Marie Willie Mays Al Molinaro Toni Morrison Maureen O'Hara Ozzie Osborne Ian Paisley IM Pei Mickey Rooney Helmut Schmidt Pete Seeger Dick Van Dyke Abe Vigoda Eli Wallach Lawrence Walsh Judge Wapner Betty White Herman Wouk
| Danito (1)
Muhammad Ali Chuck Berry Kurt Biedenkopf (German politician) Elfriede Brüning (German writer) George HW Bush Fidel Castro Dick Cheney Doris Day Fats Domino Kirk Douglas Michael Douglas Clint Eastwood Aretha Franklin Heiner Geißler (German Politician) Billy Graham BB King Helmut Kohl Roger Moore Hosni Mubarak Barack Obama Christopher Plummer Nancy Reagan Abe Vigoda Eli Wallach
Last edited by J Geoff; 12/30/14 06:12 PM. Reason: RIP Luise Rainer
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
12/30/13 04:09 AM
12/30/13 04:09 AM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
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New Jersey, USA
I've only gotten 1 list so far... but I can see waiting 'til the 31st...
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
12/31/13 04:50 PM
12/31/13 04:50 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Okay, we're getting down to the wire... Besides my own, I have lists from Klydon, SC, DE NIRO, BAM, and TIS
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/01/14 01:36 AM
01/01/14 01:36 AM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Okay, lists are posted -- good luck!
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
01/01/14 05:24 PM
01/01/14 05:24 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984 California
The Italian Stallionette

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I didn't recognize the name, until I saw a picture. Too bad.  Doesn't say what he died of. TIS
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/02/14 09:17 AM
01/02/14 09:17 AM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 2,427 Bar Vitelli, Queens, NY
Signor Vitelli
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 2,427
Bar Vitelli, Queens, NY
Just a note: Peter O'Toole is no longer with us. (I believe he is on TIS's list.)
Signor V.
"For me, there's only my wife..."
"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"
"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"
"It was a grass harp... And we listened."
"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"
"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: Signor Vitelli]
01/02/14 09:20 AM
01/02/14 09:20 AM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
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New York
Just a note: Peter O'Toole is no longer with us. (I believe he is on TIS's list.) Where is YOUR list, Vitelli?
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: SC]
01/02/14 03:48 PM
01/02/14 03:48 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984 California
The Italian Stallionette

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Juanita Moore, who played the maid, Annie, in "Imitation of Life", the tearjerker of all-time, died today at age 99. She was not picked by anyone here in the pool. I would not have known her name but I DO remember the movie and her role. I was about 10, and we were visiting cousins in Detroit and my cousin who was a couple years older wanted to go to the movies (Detroit was the big city, always a tad ahead of G.R.)  She asked my parents if I could go since it was an "adult" themed type movie and though I don't remember the conversation we did NOT end up going. Years later, however, I saw it on tv a few time, and yea, what a tear jerker it was. Really controversial for that time. TIS
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: Signor Vitelli]
01/02/14 05:09 PM
01/02/14 05:09 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Just a note: Peter O'Toole is no longer with us. (I believe he is on TIS's list.) He actually died Dec 14, 2013, but TIS didn't replace him on the new list -- thanks for catching that!
Last edited by J Geoff; 01/02/14 05:12 PM.
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: SC]
01/02/14 05:11 PM
01/02/14 05:11 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

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New Jersey, USA
Is it wrong that the first thing I did when I heard that Ariel Sharon was gravely ill was check to see if I had him on my list?  Not at all.... I did the same. I had him on my list a few years ago and I can't remember or understand why I removed him in subsequent years. Sharon was crossed off everyone's lists last year because "he has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006"
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/02/14 05:16 PM
01/02/14 05:16 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
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New York
Sharon was crossed off everyone's lists because "he has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006" So what? That's the object of this "game". It's a DEAD pool. D'uhhhh.
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: SC]
01/02/14 05:21 PM
01/02/14 05:21 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Sharon was crossed off everyone's lists because "he has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006" So what? That's the object of this "game". It's a DEAD pool. D'uhhhh. Talk to Vitelli about it!!  JG: By your own definition, I'm not sure Ariel Sharon belongs on the list, as he's been pretty much in a coma since 2006. I do not take the statements of Sharon's son to the press seriously (see Wikipedia bio).
Just my two cents.
Signor V.
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/02/14 05:56 PM
01/02/14 05:56 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984 California
The Italian Stallionette

Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984
Just a note: Peter O'Toole is no longer with us. (I believe he is on TIS's list.) He actually died Dec 14, 2013, but TIS didn't replace him on the new list -- thanks for catching that! All I can say is oops!!!!  TIS
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/02/14 06:12 PM
01/02/14 06:12 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
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New York
Talk to Vitelli about it!! Vitelli's words carry no weight in this thread. Kibitzing from the cheap seats is sandbox stuff. Tough titties, TIS. You lose one pick.  (This new season is bringing out my competitiveness).
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: J Geoff]
01/02/14 06:27 PM
01/02/14 06:27 PM
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,746
Joined: Jan 2009
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Is it wrong that the first thing I did when I heard that Ariel Sharon was gravely ill was check to see if I had him on my list?  Not at all.... I did the same. I had him on my list a few years ago and I can't remember or understand why I removed him in subsequent years. Sharon was crossed off everyone's lists last year because "he has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006" Since we are on the subject of possible vegetative state, has there been any news on Castro or Zsa Zsa?
Re: 2014 Dead Pool
[Re: BAM_233]
01/02/14 08:50 PM
01/02/14 08:50 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Since we are on the subject of possible vegetative state, has there been any news on Castro or Zsa Zsa? Shush! They're both on my list. 
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations