Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: strococs
Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: JCB1977

For the record, I am not minimizing Bobby Iannelli's influence. According to Dick Thornburgh in his book called "Where the evidence leads" and according to Special Agents Roger Greenbank and Bob Garrity, all evidence points to my statement. Chucky Porter gave the Feds "everything" to take down the Pittsburgh mob. He gave them the entire Youngstown operation, the infiltration of the Rincon Indian Casino, a list of all known members of the LaRocca Family as well as independent gambling operatives. When Roger Greenbank asked Chucky Porter about Bobby I, Chucky stated that Bobby had the same arrangement as Tony Grosso. This statement came from the Underboss of the LaRocca Crime Family. If he gave up everything else, why wouldn't he tell the Feds that Bobby I was made? Doesn't make any sense. He gave up Henry Zottola, Lenny Strollo, Pat Feruccio, John Bazzano Jr., Sonny Ciancutti (who was subsequently indicted on major gambling charges back in 2000 because of Porter's information pipeline), Sonny Amato, Frank Unis Jr. as well as information on mob hits that were ordered. The FBI stated that Porter's information was like money in the bank at his hearing and the judge allowed him to walk out of prison because of his truthfulness with Greenbank and Garrity.

I am going to mercifully not post the 1500 or so links I could produce proving my statement correct...you are as capable of doing a Google search as I and seeing the same information. But that makes no difference. I know personally first hand up close and personal with contact as recently as 2 years ago that Booby has been made since the 80s, is the underboss by title and boss by actions.
Belive what you like, just know that you are relying on sources that are notoriously inaccurate, and your statements cut against the grain of VOLUMES of conflisting information.
We shall agree to disagree

So you being from Rockford go to Pittsburgh. And they just start telling you how there making guys and Bobby is running the show?

I am not from Rockford, I am from New York but I have known guys from there for 30 years, and I now live 45 minuites from there. I am not from Pittsburgh but I have know guys from there since the 80s.
This is the differnce between someone like myself and people who get their "inside info" from news reports and FBI internet files. When you form 30 year old relationships you become privy to things.
As for Bobby running the show, this doesnt even qualify as "inside info" anymore. It has been widely reported and is widely known.

No matter how much I have tried to stay out of the foolishness that continues with the dribble TheArm continues to blabber, try this: If your 30 year relationships with God know who then my 40 year face-time with all the players ,from top to bottom, in Pittsburgh must count for more. Although never a member , my Dad and I were close "family friends". Just consider my handle. That being said: I find JCB to be one of the foremost, if not the top, historians on the Pittsburgh LCN than anyone else.

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola