Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: olivant
Well, the semester is over and I am working my way into a more consistent workout schedule. However, I've hurt my back just below the scapula which makes it painful to do bench and shoulder work. Nevertheless, I will persist. Today I'll do triceps work and stair.

It's interesting that now that I am back on a regular workout schedule that the pain in my back and shoulders, though still there, has diminished. Maybe it's coincidence. I'll bench today, then militaries, then pressdowns. Thus, I'll definitely find out about that pain.

Well, it couldn't last. The pain in my right deltoid is bad enough to preclude and prone benches. I stuck with incline presses on a machine. It still hurts, but less so. Surprisingly, I'm building upper pec muscle.

Last edited by olivant; 01/09/14 04:05 PM.

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