Pizza boy , when you are referring to the 108th street Luchesse crew are you referring to guys like Andimo Pappadip , Michael Pappadio and their skipper big John Ormento ? Those guys are from the area , were big in dope and ran the garment center for that family. . Any additional info you can provide on Andimo ( aka Tommy Notto ) or Michael as both were big time earners to my knowledge and Andimo was in the running to take over that family . Thanks

These guys families seen so close for so long I'm sure that partly a reason no one rats , not to mention Chin stickler for rules . I did hear Sammy black was 2nd most powerful mobster in NY in 80s , the guy was a real professional . I always wonder what Chin Sammy Dom Barney would say when night after night Gotti was on TV .

I know the mob is dead is the popular concept today but when looking at the Genovese and particularly the Uptown crew , that talk just seems off base ( or rather when talking about specific families and their top crew ) . Sure killings are way down from the heat they bring but the West Side has a big market share of some very lucrative rackets - high end marajuana trade which is brilliant and a big money maker . Geez Sally KO 3000 lb is likely worth $10M and I'm sure he is still directing traffic .

Not too mention all the juice $ they make as the sharking biz is huge by product biz for dealers. I can only imagine how big 118th book is , it's probably the biggest on NYC . I have family in the nutley nj area , that is DeVita crew and they control all the garbage in that area. Plus they were somehow connected to the gogo bar heartbreakers in Bloomfield where all cops got free BJ's ( I kid u not lol as I went with a kearny cop ) My neighbor works in the carpenter council union and that is still LCN run . All in all these guys still control shit loads of garbage in jersey , 8 figure sports books , 8 figure loan books , tens of millions of high end marajuana volume ( this is what the younger guys run )

Some fams / crews might be down but some are prospering and even growing ( especially sports book and weed trade ) and at least by me it appears Genovese are taking over a lot of turf in bookmaking . Luchesse still do their thing around Newark suburbs but west side seems to be taking over entire counties west and south . The 118th alone I would not be surprised if they generate more income then entire families like Chicago Philly Boston etc .
Book , garbage and weed ) . I just find it amazing that no one can stop these guys